Official Retrievers Working Test (WT) was held on 10th of March 2018. Organized by Estonian Retrievers Society. Honorable judges were Tomi Sarkkinen and Miso Sipola from Finland. Location: Kauksi, Ida-Virumaa, Estonia. Also great trainings on March 8-9th with Yulia Vershinina from Russia and March 11th with Tomi Sarkkinen and Miso Sipola were held.
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Results: Retrievers Field Trials (NOME-B) on 16.-17.Sept. 2017
ERTÜ organized two Official Retrievers Field Trials (with cold game), also known as NOME-B on 16.09. and 17.09.2017. Judged by Antti Nurmi from Finland. Location: near Valtu Hunting Cabin, Rapla County.

Results: Working Test (RWT) on August 26, 2017
Estonian and Baltic states first official Retrievers Working Test was held on 26th of August 2017 in Kauksi, Ida-Virumaa, Estonia. Organized by Estonian Retrievers Society. Honorable judges were Gabor Deak from Hungary and Petteri Hirvonen from Finland.

ERTÜ is organizing Official Retrievers Field Trials, NOME-B (with cold game) on July 1st (Open Class) and on July 2nd (Novice Class and Winner Class). Honorable judge is Tuija Hukkanen from Finland. Location: Järveotsa lake at Ellamaa Harjumaa. Everyone is welcome to come!

Puppy & Veteran Show 2017
Unofficial show on May 20th 2017, for all Retriever puppies & veterans. Judge: Milda Žigilėjienė (kennel Basteta, LT). Venue: Hageri park, Kohila county.

Konkursi “Aasta retriiver 2016” tulemused
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Järelkaja: mitteametlik retriiverite töökatse 23.oktoobril ja koolituspäev 22.oktoobril 2016 Ida-Virumaal Kauksis
Sorry, this entry is only available in Eesti and Русский.

Results: Retrievers Qualifying Test (cold game/dummy) on Sept.10th, 2016 at Ellamaa
ERTÜ organized an Official Retrievers Qualifying Tests (cold game/dummy) on Saturday, September 10th 2016. Judge was Riin Kooli-Kõnnussaar from Estonia. Tests were held at lake Järveotsa, Ellamaa.