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Puppy & Veteran Show 2014
ERTÜ helds puppy & veteran show for all Retriever breeds on May 11th 2014 in Saku Mansion Park. The show is un-official and is judged by Hedi Kumm (kennel Free Choice, Estonia). Info: Pille-Riin Sepp, pilleriin.sepp@gmail.com.

Puppy & Veteran Christmas Show results
On December 11th 2011 were held Estonian Kennel Unions annual non-official dog show for puppies and veterans “Christmas Show 2011”. Golden Retrievers, 28 dogs, and Labrador Retrievers, 22 dogs, were the most numerous breeds represented at this show.

HOT: We need some more Labradors for Estonian Junior Handler Championship Finals on Dec 11 in Tallinn!
On Sunday, December 11 are held the finals of Estonian Junior Handler Championship. The second breed for them to present is a Labrador Retriever but the problem is that we don’t have enough dogs for that and the competition is in few days! So, everybody who are willing to give their Labrador Retriever for this purpose, please contact in time

EKU-s TOP Show & Working Dogs in 2011
Estonian Kennel Union (EKU) awards at the end of every year the best show and wokind dogs, among them are also some Retrievers represented:

Coming: un-official Puppy & Veteran Show on May 28th 2011
Date: Saturday, 28.05.2011.Location: Tallinn, Viimsi stadium.Judges: Kristin Kerem (kennel Iiah’s), Kalvo Kriisk (kennel Gypsy’s Soul), Katrin Raie (kennel Dragonhunter) & Aire-Piret Pärn (kennel Egor-Dego).Show organizer: English and French Bulldog Society of Estonia. The Show is ALL-BREED show.

All breed Puppy & Veteran Christmas Show. Date: 04.12.2010. Location: Tallinn, Kalevi sport’s hall (Juhkentali 12).