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Puppy and Veteran Show for all Retrievers is coming again in Estonia! Show is for puppies from 4-24months (baby, puppy, junior, intermediate) and veterans over 8years. We are happy to announce that Dominika Pieczonka (kennel Optimus Canis), agreed to come to judge our puppies and veterans all the way from Poland! Registration will start in the beginning of March! Show will again take place in beautiful Hageri. Before the show, […]

20. February, 2017

Puppy & Veteran Show 2017

Unofficial show on May 20th 2017, for all Retriever puppies & veterans. Judge: Milda Žigilėjienė (kennel Basteta, LT). Venue: Hageri park, Kohila county. 

On August 7th ERTÜ held its annual Puppy & Veteran Show. All Retriever puppies and veterans were welcome. Judge was Eva Vilamo (kennel Waterline’s) from Finland. Venue: Hager park, Kohila vald. Show was unofficial.

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Show will take place on 12.12.2015 in Kristiine Spordihall (Forelli 12, Tallinn). Unofficial Show for Puppies and Veterans from all breeds (JUN CAC/CAC/VET CAC won’t be nominated).

” src=”” alt=”ERTÜ logo” width=”129″ height=”100″ />Märkige 1. august oma kalendrisse, sest toimub ERTÜ iga-aastane kutsikate ja veteranide show! Kohtunikuks on Maria Saarniit (kennel Meiepere, Eesti). Koht: Kumna mõisapark Harjumaal.