Author: Anu Lokke, a trainer of guide dogs, kennel Pisuhänd and Juht.
The article was written in 2002.

Juksi Grigos Ret
The first Labrador Retriever in Estonia was Brutan Angela (dob 1982) who was imported from Latvia in 1982. She was followed by Frisky Den Lu (dob 1988), and after some time, a third-and fourth-Labrador, West Freda Ambra (dob 1991) and Juksi Grigos Ret (dob 1991). All four of them were females.
Estonia’s first Labrador Retriever kennel is Juht (founded 1995), which is still active. They breed dogs for guide and assistance purpose.
Most dogs born in Estonia went for pets, others were employed by Estonian custom or police, others were successfully exhibited in the show ring or used as a working purpose.
The very first Labrador
The first Labrador BRUTAN ANGELA was brought to Estonia (Kadrina) by K. Raik in 1982 from Latvia. At this time Rakvere’s Dog Breeders Club members were importing many new breeds but at first glance the new breed called “Labrador Retriever” was far from typical pedigree dog. We were used to see something more extravagant than this new simple dog – Labrador was so ordinary in appearance.
Brutan Angela had many famous dogs in her pedigree, one of them very important – Red Star who was the first Labrador Retriever in Soviet Union (1970). Red Star was brought by English or Canadian politics as a gift to N. Kosõgin.
Brutan Angela increased Estonian Labrador population by four litters. For matings they had to travel to Riga or Moscow. Most of the puppies scattered around of Estonia leaving no mark in history, but his daughter Antera ZANG (dob 1985) and chocolate-colored son ARI (dob 1991, owner L. Soosaar) laid the foundation for Estonian Labrador breeding.
First EST V CH, Ari
Ari is a legendary dog in Estonian Labrador history. He became the first breed show champion (EST V CH) and Estonian Winner 1995 and was also the first Estonian Labrador who was exhibited in the World Winner show. Ari’ descedants inherited a decent apperance, great will to work, and in some cases, tough attitude to rivals (mainly to other males).
Second imported Labrador was FRISKY DEN LU (owner J. Kurgina). Her daughter ALISA NELL (dob1991, owner A. Lukas) became the first mate for Ari. From their combination developed so-called “narvakad” (edit: Narva is a town in Estonia) who were particularly sensitive and savvy, but some were overly suspicious. These dogs were black Aneta (dob 1993, owner A. Vibur), black BETSI (owner U. Mägi), and yellow-colored CARLOS (owner Susi). Many today dogs have these names in their pedigree. Their brothers, sisters (though not in the same litter) Boli and Alviina became great guide dogs for the blind and did not have time to worry about the puppies.

Juht Aleena
From the second Juht-litter (dob 1996) came productive Juht ALEENA (owner M. Lauringson, kennel Forest Fan) and bomb-sniffing dog Juht ALBAN (owner M. Vilde). Juht Alban gained the title EST V CH, secondly after Ari.
Juht Alban’s mate, Latvian import, Churchill (owner O. Jõgiselg) has in her third generation Sweettrees Mac (dob 1988, imp. Belgium, owner T. Sulce). In addition, the direct descedants of Sweettrees Mac are the third and fourth Labrador in Estonia (Tartu), purchased for guiding dogs, yellow-colored Freda West Ambra and JUKSI Grigos Ret. Juksi was Ari’s second mate.
New discover – custom service dogs
If Antera Zang‘s and Sweettrees Mac‘s daughter ANTASSI (dob 1992), owner of M. Metsamart, discovered Finnish import custom dog Hirsipirtin IKIOMA (dob 1993, owner N. Stankevitš, kennel Reval Dream), the breeding took a new direction.

Hirsipirtin Ikioma
Hirsipirtin Ikioma’s first litter was with Antassi, resulting ANGEL (dob 1994, owner Bucht L.), ANDRO (owner Metsamart) and professional drug dog as their Papa, ANGER.
Anger and Alisa Nell were mated, resulting Džim (owner N. Stankevitsh, kennel Reval Dream) who was the first Retriever to pass Forest Duck test, and guide dog Dora.
Angers’ sister Angel was mated with custom dog LENNU (imp. Finland, dob 1994), resulting in productive Donna (dob 1997, owner H. Jaanuska, kennel Paunvere) and Bellami (owner M. Unt).

With Lennu’s brother, retired custom dog LATE, had puppies Betsi (dam: Alissa Nell + sire: Ari), from this litter grew a calm guide dog Karmen.
Lennu and Hirsipirtin Ikioma were used for stud many times with different combinations, but Late, beacuse of his overweight, was in trouble with this work.
Hirsipirtin Ikioma’s second mate was Freda West Ambra. It was a happy choice: the litter born in 1995. will go down in history for its famous members. Estonia’s first bomb-sniffing dog Sammi (owner H. Vilde), a dog in commercials, Peppi, narcotic-searching dog Tommi, actor in theatre Vanemuine show “Undiin” with MERRI (owner V., and M. Malm, kennel Juht) and LEEVI, owned by artist M. Undusk.
Besides the fact that they were well-known artists, they had also nice exterior. These last two dogs have given beautiful brood: Merri’s three children continued in breeding, Leevi + Ari (Lordpruunu, Lexterlorrimer, Leonardo, Luise etc.)
Second litter (born 1996) of Freda West Ambra (sire: Ari’s son Carlos) was more modest in every sense. This connections both sides ran into Ari’s father Zepp Tumark Parry (dob 1986). From this inbreeding Juht Bianka (owner K. Pugi), Juht Brita (owner A. Lepik) and Juht Bona (owner Guide-and Assistance dog school) were born.
Juht Brita had puppies with Lennu, and Lennu with Juht Bianka. If the first three custom service dogs were smart and good-looking, then the fourth was just smart.
To carry forward the breeding it was desperately needed to find new solutions.
Aneta‘s (dam: Alissa Nell + sire: Ari) owners made for that time a bold decision, and traveled for mating to Finland. Loresho Love Mission were chosen to be the mate. From this litter came brown-colored IDA (dob. 1997, owner A. Lokke) and guide dog Aramis.
Also with guide dog Ritta (Juksi + Ari) were went to Finland to Finnish Guide Dog School, where Ritta was mated with their stud Halolan Zalamansanter. Their son Juht Cupido has been savior for three females, and results were surprisingly good – progeny from three litters: Juht Dekkan, EST CH & EST JW’02 Paunvere Duffy and Kalevi Berenike, who have all been successful in exhibitions and proven their good health.
Applehill’s Mikado
In 1995 black-colored APPLEHILL’S MIKADO (dob 1994) was imported from Finland. For this time many Estonian Labradors were closely related to each other, and so Mikado was waited in anticipation to bring some freshness. He got soon three CAC’s from three different judges and was entitled as EST V CH. Mikado left his qualityes to many litters, eaven from matings with moderate females quality was born.

The most famous descedants of Mikado are the first Baltic states champion Wizard’s Creek Marski (dam Minna) and her sister, Estonian Champion Matilda (owners T., and R. Raun, kennel Wizard’s Creek), and the first Estonian Labrador with title of International Champion DOLLY (dob 1998, dam Arabella, owner. H. – M. Zahharov, kennel My Brand). All Dollys’ littermates could been Champions, but their owners satisfied with less.
Mikado had many beautiful and talented descendants, all of them here is impossible to count. He was mated 9 times during the year (Ari only 6 times during his hole life), and so, after some years, all Estonian Labradors were related again.
Savior from Lithuania

Ann-Elisabeth's Ella
Next savior was Lithuanian import yellow-colored BAIRONAS GAIVENE (dob 1998, owner A. Kiris). He did not left himself so powerfully, but rather gave an opportunity to female dogs.
Bairons’ children did not harvest exhibitions, but some of them were very active in working field – Sulli (dob 2000, dam Mimibel, owner H. Lippus), Estonian Obedience Champion Rozabella (dob 2000, dam Juht Brita, owner K. Puskai) and first Labrador who passed Retriever’s official working test Forest Fan Beretta (dob 1999, dam Juht Aleena, owner Evelin Heinlo). Bairon was also chosen to be the first mate for Finnish import black-colored female ANN-ELISABETH’S ELLA (1997-2007, owner T. Tiitus, kennel Black Floyd).
And when all the “brides” were paired with the new male, it was again a closed circle.
For closure
To escape from this situation Estonian Retrievers Society’s breeding committee has done great work in recent years when contacting best overseas breeders in breeding matters. Natalja Stankevitš-Melnikova keeps her line linked with main Labrador breeders in Russia.
Hopefully this shows the ending for “all-everyone” breeding tactics, and we have reached a new and meaningful breeding of Labrador Retrievers.
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Viimane uuendus: 2019/06/04