08.-10.04.2023 г. Estonian Retrievers Society organize Spring Working Test and trainings for retrievers Preliminary program 08.04.2023 – Working Test, judges are Carsten Nissen ja Boye Rasmussen (Denmark) 09.-10.04.2023 trainings with Carsten Nissen ja Boye Rasmussen (Denmark), priority is given to WT participants for training, other dogs with basic obedience can be booked if available A detailed program will be sent to each participant separately a few days before the camp. […]
Koosolekute protokollid 16.09.-13.10.2022
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12.-16. 08.2022 г. Estonian Retrievers Society organize traditional working camp for retrievers BaltRetCamp 2022 Preliminary program 12.08.2022 training with Stefano Martinoli (Italy), level intermedia/open, start at 16.00 13.08.2022 – Working Test, all classes, judges are Stefano Martinoli (Italy) and Kurt Becksteiner (Austria) 14.08.2022 — Working Test, (beginners class, judge Kurt Becksteiner) and Dummy-Trial, intermedia/open classes, judges are Stefano Martinoli (Italy) and Kurt Becksteiner (Austria) 15.-16.08.2022 trainings with Kurt Becksteiner (Austria), […]
Retrievers speciality 4.09.2022
RETRIEVERS DAY AND SPECIALITY SHOW 4.09.2022 CATALOGUE Timetable and program 8:30 Entry to the show ground 9:45 Opening of the show, judging will begin Ring 1, judge Manuel Queijeiro, Mexico 10:00 Labrador retriever (babies, puppies, males) (60) 13:00 Lunch break 14:00 Labradori retriever (females) (40) Ring 2, judge Jos De Cuyper, Belgium 10:00 Flat […]