Estonian Retrievers made history at International Show Finnish Winner 2010…
Labrador Retriever MY BRAND ESPIRIT (13 months old Junior Class female) is a new Finnish Winner ‘2010, Finnish Junior Winner ‘2010, also she was Best Of Breed, got FIN CC and finally got Group IV placement! Labradors at the show: 66. Judge: Alexey Belkin, Russia; VIII Group judge: Damir Skok, Croatia. My Brand Espirit’s breeder and owner is Haita-Maarit Zahharov (kennel My Brand, Estonia).
Golden Retriever TERRA ANTYDA SANI NEW PRINCE OF HEART (3 years old male) is a new Finnish Winner ‘2010, also Best Of Breed and Group III. His breeder is Mairi Siimon (kennel Terra Antyda, Estonia) and owner Helena Varjamo (kennel Daily Rays, Finland). Dogs registrated: 85; judge: Elina Tan-Hietalahti from Finland.
Golden Retriever ROYAL DUCHESS DE BOSCRDINI (9 months old Junior Class female) is a new Finnish Junior Winner ‘2010 and she was also Best Female-2 anf got FIN CC. Her owners are Kersti Paju (kennel Siimline’s, Estonia) and Merike Kalle (kennel Double Flame, Estonia), her breeder is Óscar Ferraz (kennel Boscardini, Portugal).
- FIN W’10 Terra Antyda Sani New Prince Of Heart
- PI-3 Greenhill’s Cooper
- TP My Brand Espirit & VSP Odorosas Bon Voyage
- FIN JW’10 Royal Duchess De Boscardini
- FIN W’10 & FIN JW’10 My Brand Espirit
More great results:
Golden Retriever GREENHILLS’ COOPER was Best Male-3, got FIN resCC and resCACIB. His owners are Kersti Paju (kennel Siimline’s, Eesti) and Priit Alekand, breeder is Anne Virtanen (kennel Greenhills’, Finland).
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever LAUVSTUAS INDIAN PEPPER (CH Class male) was Best Male-2. His owners are Riin Kooli-Kõnnussaar and Teet Kõnnussaar (kennel Cloudburst’s, Estonia), breeders are Anne-Lise and Eivind Holte (kennel Lauvstua, Norway). Dogs registrated: 50; judge: Eeva Rautala from Finland.
The Show was located in Finland Helsinki on December 12th 2010.
Pictures: Finnish Kennel Union (FIN W dogs), Anncharlott Burman (BOB Labradors) and kennel Double Flame (FIN JW dog).
Congratulations to new winners!